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ISMA Resources
ISMA's Physician Assistance Program

Regulation 844 of the Indiana Administrative code allows substance abusing and/or psychiatrically impaired physicians to obtain help confidentially, providing they follow the guidelines.


According to federal law, state law and ISMA program policies, all participant information is confidential. The ISMA does not automatically refer a physician to the licensing board for a minor infraction of the contract. It is only after all attempts to work with a physician have failed that a referral is made to the appropriate board.

Often other parties (e.g., a partner or hospital personnel) request information regarding a program participant. With the participant's written consent, periodic progress reports can be sent. Information is not released without the participant's permission.

For more information, contact Candace Backer at the ISMA at (800) 257-4762 or (317) 261-2060.


Copyright: Information written and displayed on www.ismanet.org is the property of ISMA and may not be reproduced without expressed written permission of the Indiana State Medical Association.

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