Women in Medicine Committee co-chairs Maria Del Hoover Rio, MD, and Heidi M. Dunniway, MD, were honored at convention after they announced they were stepping down from their leadership positions. From left, Dr. Del Rio Hoover; Rhonda Sharp, MD; Elizabeth Struble, MD; Stacie Wenk, DO; Dr. Dunniway.
September is Women In Medicine Month, and two physicians were recently honored during the 174th Annual ISMA Convention in Plainfield for their leadership and support of the ISMA’s WIM Committee and women in medicine statewide.
During the closing session of the House of Delegates on Sept. 10, a resolution of appreciation authored by Stacie Wenk, DO, was read by Lisa Hatcher, MD, recognizing Heidi M. Dunniway, MD, and Maria Del Rio Hoover, MD, for their longtime commitment to the ISMA WIM Committee.
Drs. Dunniway and Del Rio Hoover, who served as the committee’s co-chairs for 14 years, announced at convention they were stepping down from their leadership. Jane Bridges, MD, is the new WIM Committee chair.
The resolution of appreciation stated the “exemplary” physicians “have been unwavering advocates for gender equality and have worked tirelessly to empower and inspire women in medicine, leaving an indelible mark on the medical community.”
The WIM Committee was established in 2009 and codified into the Bylaws in 2010 with the mission to increase membership and participation of female medical students, residents, fellows and physicians in the ISMA, and to provide a forum for mentoring, leadership development, and collegiality among Indiana women in medicine.
Also during convention weekend following its annual business meeting on Saturday, the WIM Committee hosted a physician wellness CME by Rebekah Bernard, MD.
Planning for the next WIM Retreat is currently underway. The retreat will be held at the Bottleworks Hotel in Indianapolis in early 2024. Additional information will be communicated to members in the coming months.
Throughout the year, the committee holds ISMA WIM Virtual Discussion Forum sessions via Zoom. All women ISMA members are welcome to join to connect, network and discuss topics of special significance to women physicians today.
REGISTER NOW for the Nov. 7 discussion.