This page offers resources available to physicians and their patients to address social drivers of health (SDOH). SDOH are the nonmedical factors that influence health outcomes.
Below are resources that can help practices identify and address their patient's needs.

Drive for Five
The ISMA has created a one-stop Social Drivers of Health toolbox for physicians and their practices. Visit, or click the logo above, to gain free, instant access to the platform. All Drive for Five resources have been vetted by a committee of ISMA-member physicians.

Indiana 2-1-1
This is a free and confidential service that is available 24/7 to help Hoosiers across Indiana find local resources they need, including food, housing, transportation, health care and more. Visit the link above or dial 2-1-1- to connect with a navigator.
This is also a free and confidential service to find local resources such as food, housing, transportation, health care and more.

Shatterproof Treatment
Shatterproof Treatment Atlas is an Indiana substance use disorder (SUD) locator that is free and confidential and will provide a comprehensive list of treatment facilities. is a free and confidential service that helps finding the best suited rehab facility. Dial 866-535-8856 or use the zip code locator on the website to navigate a rehab facility near you.

Adolescent Addiction Access Program
The Indiana University School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry Adolescent Addiction Access (AAA) Program is a free provider-to-provider helpline for Indiana providers caring for youth ages 17 or younger with substance use disorders (SUD).
Addiction treatment is different for each individual and can be customized based on each person's unique needs and situations. We can help you find treatment in your state.

The White House - The U.S. Playbook to Address Social Determinants of Health
Improving health and well-being across America requires addressing the social circumstances and related environmental hazards and exposures that impact health outcomes.
“Exploring Best Practices to Address Social Drivers of Health in Indiana”
presented by Anum A. Niazi, MD
SDOH Definitions and Information
Social Determinants of Health at CDC
Healthy People 2030 Social Determinants of Health
CMS Redesigning Care Around the Social Determinants of Health
SDOH Z Code Resources