District meetings continue with elections, lively discussions
The majority of 2022 district meetings and district officer elections have been completed; if your district meeting has not yet taken place, watch your email for information on how to register. We hope you’ll plan to join your colleagues, ISMA staff and local legislators for updates on ISMA activities and a discussion of health care policy in Indiana. You are encouraged to invite a nonmember physician as your guest.

To register, you will be required to enter your ISMA login and password. After registration, you will receive a confirmation email and a follow-up email with detailed information about the meeting, the names and roles of each district officer, and elections.  

You must be an ISMA member to participate in elections. If you would like to run for office but cannot attend, you must arrange for someone who is at the meeting to nominate you. 

Please visit www.ismanet.org/events to register for the remaining district meetings scheduled for June.