Efforts of many ISMA members made 2021 legislative session a success
Thank you to the many ISMA members who contributed to our successful efforts during the 2021 legislative session by serving on the Commission on Legislation, testifying on bills or contacting legislators to advocate for our profession and our patients. You embody ISMA’s guiding principle that, “together, physicians can effect positive change better than they can individually.”

Special thanks go to Commission on Legislation Chair Stephen Tharp, MD, and the commission members, who contributed valuable guidance and perspective on important measures. Thank you, as well, to ISMA President Roberto Darroca, MD, who spent many hours interacting with legislators and Government Relations staff and being available for media releases and interviews.

Hearing from physicians personally makes a powerful impact, and ISMA members who sacrificed their time to testify also deserve recognition. In addition to Dr. Darroca, these include Julia Compton, MD; Richard Kovacs, MD; and David Mandelbaum, MD. Thank you, also, to our medical student interns this session: Ruben Geeraert, Joey Hebert, Casey Miller, Mitra Shariff and Kyle Stucker! 

Finally, thanks to all members who responded to ISMA legislative alerts and contacted their legislators, as requested – your advocacy made a real difference. Please keep an eye out for future opportunities to stay involved!