New policy aims to seat more ISMA delegates
A change is coming to this year’s ISMA convention, one intended to involve more  members from throughout the state in shaping ISMA and its policies. Each year at convention, ISMA delegates discuss and vote on resolutions that determine our organization’s direction and public policy or seek to establish AMA policy. Starting this year, district trustees may fill any county delegate vacancies with eligible members of any county society in the same district.

The new policy was established by Resolution 18-23, introduced by the Future Directions Task Force and passed by the House of Delegates last year. The resolution changed the ISMA Bylaws to state that if any county medical society fails to register its allotted number of delegates with ISMA by 45 days before ISMA’s annual convention – July 31 this year – district trustees may fill those seats with members from any county medical society in the same district.

If you would like to serve in the 2019 House of Delegates on Sept. 14-15, contact your county medical society officer or county executive (information for staffed counties is below). 

If you aren’t sure whom to contact, call ISMA Membership Services Coordinator Vicki Riley at (800) 257-4762 or email her