Impact state law by writing an ISMA resolution
Do you have an idea for improving Indiana law regarding health care, medical practice, patient welfare or other issues? If so, writing and introducing a resolution at ISMA’s annual convention could lead to your idea becoming a reality.

Each year, ISMA resolutions introduced for consideration by the ISMA House of Delegates help drive our organization’s policy and agenda at the Statehouse during the following legislative session.

ISMA members may submit resolutions NOW for introduction at the 171st Annual ISMA Convention on Sept. 11-13. The deadline for submitting resolutions is July 13. After you read the following guidelines and have written your resolution, submit it online.

Please read the following guidelines for writing a resolution. Following these guidelines will make the process as efficient as possible and minimize the need for amendments:
  • Determine an action or position on an issue that you would like ISMA to take. Then, succinctly state the action or position and the reasons.
  • Research current policy on your issue. If your resolution asks ISMA to do something, check the ISMA Public Policy Manual to see whether or how the issue has been addressed in the past. If your resolution asks the AMA to take action, check here for any current AMA policy.
  • Write a short title for your resolution.
  • Include your name or the names of ISMA members introducing the resolution.
  • Write one or more “Whereas” statements that succinctly explain the issue and each reason ISMA should take action. Each “Whereas” statement should include only a single point.
  • Conclude with one or more “Resolved” statements. Each “Resolved” statement is considered separately by the House of Delegates and, if adopted, becomes ISMA policy. Each “resolved” statement should:
    - State a clear, specific action plan for what you want ISMA to do.
    - Stand on its own; it must include all information necessary to be understood by someone with no prior knowledge of the issue and without reference to the “Whereas” statements.

  • Example of an effectively written resolution: “Resolved, that the ISMA seek legislation that would allow schools to stock unassigned auto-injectable epinephrine for use in cases of life-threatening allergic reactions before, during and after school.”
Resolutions may be submitted any time before Monday, July 13. Need additional help? Call the ISMA staff at 800-257-4762 or 317-261-2060. Only ISMA members may submit resolutions.


July 13

    Resolutions submission deadline

Sept. 11-13

171st Annual ISMA Convention