ISMA, AMA seek extension of moratorium on Medicare payment cuts
ISMA has joined the AMA and other national specialty and state medical societies in asking congressional leaders to extend the current moratorium on the 2% Medicare payment sequester beyond its March 31 expiration date.

In a Feb. 12 letter, the AMA, ISMA and other federation members strongly urge Congress to pass House Resolution 315, the Medicare Sequester COVID Moratorium Act. This bipartisan legislation would continue the current Medicare sequester moratorium for the duration of the public health emergency. Citing the stress that continuing high rates of COVID-19 infection place on physician practices, the letter says continuing the moratorium on the payment cuts is necessary to “help alleviate the unrelenting fiscal demands of the pandemic.”

“Even with the encouraging development and deployment of an effective vaccine, the fact remains that physician practices will continue to face overwhelming financial challenges and pressures associated with higher overhead costs (e.g., personal protective equipment) and lost revenue due to fewer patient visits and delayed elective procedures,” the letter said.

Read the letter here >>