Register now to attend Physician Advocacy Day on Jan. 16
Don’t delay in signing up to join your fellow physicians next month at the state capitol!

Registration is open for Physician Advocacy Day at the Statehouse, which will take place on Jan. 16, 2024. 

This yearly event is your chance to meet with legislators face to face and make the case for sound health policy firsthand. ISMA staff will provide fact sheets and other resources, and will be able to assist you in setting up appointments with your legislator. 

No matter your level of advocacy experience, this is the perfect opportunity for you to network with your colleagues, meet with legislators, and advocate for the practice of medicine. The bigger the turnout, the more impact we will have.

Be sure to bring your white coat to show solidarity with your fellow Indiana physicians.
Don’t delay signing up, and be sure to spread the word to your fellow physicians you plan to attend! 

See the full agenda and register now >>