Patients need clarity from physicians on licensure transparency
A vast majority of Hoosiers believe it’s important to know the qualifications of the professionals delivering their health care. And yet, 25% of Indiana residents are not sure if they’ve been seeing a physician the past few years when seeking treatment – or a nonphysician practitioner. 
Driving this confusion is the widespread use of industry acronyms and jargon that few outside the medical field can understand.

That’s why ISMA and the Indiana Physician Coalition are calling on state lawmakers for greater transparency by proposing a new law with the following requirements:
  • Advertisements must clearly state a health care professional’s license type.
  • Identification badges must include license type and be worn in appropriate clinical settings.
  • Medical specialty designations must be reserved only for physician specialists.
If you haven’t already, please visit the Indiana Physician Coalition Action Center to download an UPDATED fact sheet with talking points and directly email your state senator and representative to ask for their support.

With greater transparency and clarity about who’s who in health care, patients will be better equipped to make informed decisions.