Accredited for 10.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
Registration is
required and restricted to ISMA members only.
Capacity is limited to the first 30 registrants.

The Indiana State Medical Association is excited to announce the launch of this seven-month Physician Advocacy ADVANCED Leadership Program, which will meet monthly via Zoom. It is designed for graduates of the ISMA Advocacy Bootcamp and physicians with some advocacy knowledge who want to develop well-rounded advocacy skills.
We encourage you to consider joining in this inaugural advanced program. It promises to be a transformative experience for all health care professionals and leaders and will contribute significantly to our shared mission of advocating for the well-being of patients and the medical community in Indiana.
Program Description:
Several distinguished speakers are lined up for the program, including former secretary of the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration Jennifer Sullivan, MD, The Corydon Group President Louis Belch, and Brian Neale, JD, former deputy administrator and director for the Center for Medicaid and CHIP, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
The advanced courses will build on the knowledge acquired during the Advocacy Bootcamp. Participants will transition from learning how the legislative process works, to developing and applying advocacy skills through didactic sessions, helpful resource guides and hands-on activities. Skills developed will include policy analysis, assessing and prioritizing policy options, developing strategy, relationship building, overcoming legislative challenges, interacting with state agencies, writing resolutions for the ISMA House of Delegates, working with media, public speaking, and running for office. Participants will receive assignments to complete after each session to help develop their new skills.
Zoom or in-person sessions led by ISMA’s Government Relations (GR) team, and several other esteemed speakers will take place one day each month from April through October 2024.
Program Schedule:
Friday, April 12
12 – 1 p.m. ET via Zoom
Problem Identification and Policy Analysis
Presenter: John Ruckelshaus, Vice President of Government Relations, Luke McNamee, JD, ISMA Director of Government and Policy Affairs
In the first session, utilizing the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Policy Analytical Framework, participants will dive deep into the art of identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing policies. The key steps include:
- Identifying the problem or issue: Synthesize data on the characteristics of the problem or issue, including the burden (how many people it affects), frequency (how often it occurs), severity (how serious of a problem is it), and scope (the range of outcomes it affects).
- Policy Analysis: Utilizing tools and resources provided, identify an appropriate policy solution, and identify and describe policy options.
Participants will be given the following homework assignment(s):
- Review literature on the topic, surveying best practices.
- Conduct an environmental scan to understand what other jurisdictions/organizations are doing.
- Provide a written report on findings.
Tuesday, May 7
7 – 8 p.m. ET via Zoom
Assessing and Prioritizing Policy Options and Developing Strategy
Presenter: Grant Achenbach, JD, Krieg DeVault LLP
Participants will briefly discuss their findings from the previous session, before learning how to assess and prioritize the policy options, and define strategies for getting policies enacted and implemented. Participants will receive instruction and resource guides on writing a resolution and writing an op-ed.
Participants will be given the following homework assignment(s):
- Write a resolution for the ISMA House of Delegates.
- Draft an op-ed.
Friday, June 14
12 - 1 p.m. ET via Zoom
Building Relationships with Legislators
Presenter: Brian Neale, JD, former Deputy Administrator and Director, Center for Medicaid and CHIP, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Participants will briefly review and discuss their assignments from the previous session before discussing effective methods for building relationships and communicating with legislators. Participants will be taught to discern which communication methodology best suits their goals, and how to start a dialogue.
Participants will be given the following homework assignment(s):
- Draft a communication asking for an introductory meeting with a legislator.
- Draft a persuasive email to a legislator encouraging them to vote for (or against) a bill.
Tuesday, July 9
7 – 8 p.m. ET via Zoom
Overcoming Challenges During the Legislative Session
Presenter: Louis Belch, president at The Corydon Group
Participants will discuss challenges that arise during the legislative session, such as professionally addressing opposition testimony, diplomatically handling controversial topics, and overcoming fiscal impacts. Participants will receive instruction and a resource guide on drafting testimony in support of a bill addressing the opposition.
Participants will be given the following homework assignment(s):
1. Watch at least one archived health committee meeting.
2. Draft sample testimony in support of a hypothetical bill.
Friday, Aug. 9
12 – 1 p.m. ET via Zoom
Interacting with State Agencies
Presenter: Jennifer Sullivan, MD, Senior Vice President Strategic Operations, Atrium Health, Charlotte, NC
Participants will briefly review and discuss their homework assignment from the previous session before discussing aspects of interacting with state agencies and the differences between the legislative process and the agency rulemaking process. Participants will receive instruction and a resource guide on drafting an effective sign-on letter.
Participants will be given the following homework assignment(s):
1. Draft a sign-on letter from the House of Medicine to a state government agency.
Friday, Sept. 6
Physician Wellness Symposium - in-person at ISMA Annual Convention
Participants will be strongly encouraged to attend the inaugural ISMA Physician Wellness Symposium. (Symposium registration included in training program fee.) Details TBD.
Friday, Oct. 11
12 – 1 p.m. ET via Zoom
Working with Media, Public Speaking and Running for Office
Presenter: Robert Vane,President and CEO, Veteran Strategies, Inc.
Participants will briefly review and discuss their homework assignment from the previous session, as well as the Wellness Symposium.
Participants will then discuss the following:
1. Ethical physician conduct in the media.
2. Leveraging different media tactics to drive conversations.
3. Strategies for public speaking.
4. Introduction to the steps needed to plan to run for public office.
Participants will be given the following homework assignment(s):
1. Work with ISMA staff to coordinate at least one introductory meeting with your state representative and/or state senator.
CME Information
Designation Statement: The Indiana State Medical Association (ISMA) designates this live Other (hybrid) activity for a maximum of 10.0 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Accreditation Statement: The Indiana State Medical Association (ISMA) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Disclosure Policy: In accordance with The Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education, educational programs sponsored by the ISMA must demonstrate balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor. Prior to the activity, all faculty, authors, editors and planning committee members participating in an ISMA-sponsored activity are required to disclose to attendees any financial relationships with an “ineligible company” whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.
Disclosure Statement: There are no relevant financial relationships with an ineligible company to identify, mitigate or disclose because the content of this activity is non-clinical in nature.
If you have questions, contact ISMA Continuing Medical Education staff at 800-257-4762 or
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