Indiana Physician Coalition calls for action on residency program funding
According to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education’s Graduate Medical Education (GME) Board, the state will need an additional 817 primary care physicians by 2030. And yet, every year, Indiana loses 133 resident physicians to other states due to a lack of available residency programs.

That’s why the Indiana Physician Coalition is calling on members from ISMA and its other partners to contact lawmakers about funding that is critical to relieving this physician shortage. Unfortunately, House Bill 1001, which sets the state budget, includes a reduction in funding for graduate medical education. The coalition is seeking to increase or maintain the previous budget’s $8 million biennial appropriation to the GME Board.

ISMA members should have received a call-to-action email from the coalition on Friday, Feb. 5, with information on how to get involved. If not, be sure to visit the coalition’s Action Center on House Bill 1001.

Use the facts and suggested language to email or call your state legislators. Together, we can expand the number of physicians training in Indiana and help Hoosier patients get access to the quality care they desperately need.

Learn more about the Indiana Physician Coalition >>